JK- this was another great, straight to the point, article.

As an aside, your 12/16/23 article on resistance training for fat loss really made a light bulb go off in my head. I’ve changed my training based on that article. So, thank you.

My question for you- do you have a preferred total volume(sets and reps) that you use to facilitate hypertrophy? I’ve seen plenty of opinions; I’m interested to hear your take.



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Traditionally, 10-12 reps, 5 sets moderate heavy for hypertrophy. Working 1-2 sets per exercise to failure also has shown to be effective. Spotter needed for squat and/or bench if working to failure. Very effective.

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Thanks JK.


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How does intensity differ from resistance?

Thank you for reminding us it isn’t complex.


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When referring to resistance training, intensity is the level of resistance or weight used

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